Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Income Interruption Review Workflow Step

When configuring business rules for the Income Interruption process, system administrators can define eligibility conditions that do not meet the requirements for automatic approval or decline. These conditions require a manager to review the request and manually determine a decision. If Manager Review is required, the Income Interruption Review workflow step can be used to approve or deny the Income Interruption request.

To review the status of an Income Interruption, navigate to the Views list and run the Income Interruption View created by the system administrator.

Click the  icon within the Ribbon Bar to open the Views page. Locate the View within the list and click to highlight. Select Run to open the View.

The view opens displaying a list of all income interruption accounts as well as summary attributes such as Status and Account Number. The accounts in need of manager review are identified by a status of PENDING_REVIEW in the Status column.

Double-clicking an account in a PENDING_REVIEW status opens the person workspace in order to run the Income Interruption Review workflow.

From the person workspace, navigate to the Workflows tab within the Left Navigation Panel and select the Income Interruption Review workflow.

The Income Interruption Review workflow step is configured in System Management > Workflow > Workflows.


Upon making this selection, the workflow opens next to the workspace overview tab:

The manual review reason is indicated at the top of the workflow step. This section is editable, but pre-populates with the reason defined by the system administrator during rule configuration.

Once the account has been reviewed, select APPROVE or DECLINE from the drop-down that displays:

Within the Select a Letter box, select a letter to be sent to the account holder regarding the approval or decline of their Income Interruption request.

The letters within this box are configured by the system administrator and are assigned to the workflow step when the workflow is created.

The selected letter is generated and sent to Batch Letter Printing after execution of the next Income Interruption Export.

Add comments relevant to the Income Interruption within the Workflow Comments section and click Go To Next Step.

If this workflow step requires a user to confirm that the step has been completed, the I have completed this step checkbox must be selected before clicking Go to Next Step. 

Once the workflow is complete, it is recorded in the Workflow History and the status for the Income Interruption request is updated from Pending to Approved or Declined in Temenos Infinity.

With the Income Interruption Export, a file containing the approved accounts is sent back to the core system and the status is then updated from Approved to Active.



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